This is the free automatically generated position report for the Vulpus AI signals project. We publish the holdings of three different signal systems generated by our AI; a low volatility low rate of gain system, and for subscribers we publish the medium and high gain systems. The position varies from -100% (strongly bearish) to +100 (strongly bullish). 0% indicates a neutral exposure.
Low performance group
[ 5.15% YTD gain, 1.41% current drawdown ]
[ -0.56% gain since experiment start on 2024-04-12 ]
has weighting : -0.00 % Neutral/Exit positions
Medium performance group
[ 7.07% YTD gain, 1.15% current drawdown ]
[ -0.78% gain since experiment start on 2024-04-12 ]
has weighting : <sorry this is subscriber only content>
High performance group
[ 9.96% YTD gain, 1.16% current drawdown ]
[ -0.90% gain since experiment start on 2024-04-12 ]
has weighting : <sorry this is subscriber only content>
This is not a recommendation to trade.
This is a report of the current signalled position as generated by the Vulpus AI project. We operate strong risk controls, we recommend you do the same.
Stats for recent back test
-- Statistics for all strategies
Best of luck in all things -- Vulpus